Latitude/Longitude –
can you give me the coordinates for 5 points on a map? Remember to the sides
for latitude (and they’ll be either north or south) and then to the top/bottom
for longitude (and they’ll be either west or east)
8 Parts of a Civilization
– Identify all 8 parts of a civilization
Give two examples
that archaeologists and scientists discovered about the Iceman & identify
why those two discoveries are important
6 Stations
·Oral traditions – their importance
·Purpose of government
·Benefits of fire
·Why did corn change size
·What are social classes &
why did they form
·Farming villages v Cities – 3
key differences
Timelines – put five
events in chronological order on a timeline
Domestication – what is
it and two examples (plant & animal)
Creation myths – why are
they important & what do they tell us
Farming – Identify the
connection between farming and population increase