Daily Geo (what are the capital cities of Ukraine and Ireland PLUS what are their latitude and longitude coordinates)
Handed out Robin Hood study guide
Robin Hood - key focus on the themes and realities of medieval England that correspond with actual history (ie...Magna Carta, Baron's War against King John, the animosity between England and France, etc...)
Today in History...
In 1926, the Italian-built airship Norge became the first vessel to fly over the North Pole
In 1937, the German zeppelin Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed within a minute while attempting to dock at Lakehurst, New Jersey killing 36 people.
Bubonic Plague Video Clip from Mankind: The Story of Us All
Finish & hand-in Stained Glass Project
Today in History...
In 1970, Kent State shootings: The Ohio National Guard, sent to Kent State University
after disturbances in the city of Kent the weekend before, opens fire
killing four unarmed students and wounding nine others. The students
were protesting the United States' invasion of Cambodia.
Quote Wednesday (“People spend too much time finding other people to blame,
too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being,
and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past,
and getting on with their lives.”
- J. Michael Straczynski)
Notes on Medieval Society (focusing on the Catholic Church)
In 1800, the United States Library of Congress was established when President John Adams signed legislation to appropriate $5,000 to purchase "such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress"